Friday, August 28, 2009

This Weekend = Baby Shower

Ahhh . . . the fun of being a female, getting to attend a baby shower! (Note sarcasm in my voice.) It is not that I'm not extremely happy for whatever friend/relative is having a baby, or that I don't love babies. I just plain old do not enjoy baby showers. The games give me hives, I'm not kidding.

One of my oldest friends, Kendra, and her husband, Darren are having a baby. Kendra grew up next door to me. Her mom is like an aunt to me. I was in the wedding. So, I thought it was only appropriate to crochet a baby blanket for them. I rather like crocheting and am often looking for a reason to do it. What better than the new arrival of a baby to one of my oldest friends. I know, I know - mad camera skills from my blackberry. I apologize. I'm not good at blanket draping.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Movie Review - Julie & Julia

My big weekend outing = going to see "Julie & Julia." It was about all we could handle after me being sick most of the week and Gavin spending the entire day in the extreme hot sun doing his good deed for the month and running the "Fill-A-Mini" food drive at Highland Park Market (side note, I am so proud of him!). Back on point, the only thing I can say is that the movie was ENCHANTING!!! Why didn't the reviewers describe it as such? Actually maybe they did and I didn't read them. It was delightful. I was so sad when it ended because I wanted it to keep going on and on. I loved every single character to bits. There were scenes of Paris. The entire audience couldn't stop laughing. And Gavin probably didn't notice this, but I actually got a little teary-eyed at times because the characters were just so lovable and relatable (I have no idea how to spell that). I am super psyched to have an evening with my mom to see it again. Such fun!!! I wish I could master the art of French cooking! Maybe I will have to make a pilgrimage to see Julia Child's kitchen at the Smithsonian too.

Bon Appetit!
Note: Above picture is from Smithsonian website and is the badge that Julia Child wore every episode of The French Chef and is for her cooking school for Americans that she had with 2 of her friends while living in Paris.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I wish I was There!

I don’t want to be at work so badly I’m actually giving myself a headache. I didn’t even know that was possible to do. Being bored, and the fact that I have to go home and clean isn’t helping. Ugh – the life of a homeowner! I have been reminiscing today about how in past years, on this date, I was in Barcelona (at the end of a fabulous trans-European tour, or Ireland, or at least on a RI beach. This year – CT, hard hittin’ to be exact. So depressing!

Bon Semaine!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bright Lights, Pretty Living Room

I am so excited! After searching and searching, I finally found what I was looking for (not to quote a fabulous U2 song). I love the light that will soon be hanging in my living room. And while you all might thing, "it's pink, she just complained about a pink entryway!" It's not so pink, and I do love tulips, and my living room does have many pink accents against the blue and brown. The semi-flush pendant is a Crystorama Southport Light. Happy almost birthday to me!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's Pink!

I finally am starting to attack the entryway. It has been over a year and definitely is time. Because it leads to my main floor which is a lovely eggshell blue (and has pink and brown accents) I decided a pale pinky off white would be appropriate. I painted my little fingers off for 2 days. I'm still finding paint on myself days later. And what did I end up with you ask? I will answer . . .

A PINK ENTRYWAY!!! I should have known. The color was with the off whites and from the chip, it truly looks off white, but it is called "pink damask." You are sneaky Ben Moore.