Monday, April 27, 2009

Last Weekend

What a treat - I didn't work AND it was absolutely amazing out. Summer weather in April . . . the top was down on the Eos, there was quite a bit of imbibing of sangria (yum), and I got to spend all of Sunday outside at Wickham Park with my sweetie! It could not get ANY better. The park is so tranquil, even with a million people around. It has been a part of my life forever, but only recently am I really appreciating the fact that the below is only a 5-minute drive away.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April Showers Bring May Flowers

And it is raining out . . .

I was catching up on some posts that I subscribe to that are full of gorgeous flowers and since it is April (the first time I visited France/Monaco was in April) it got me thinking of quite possibly the most gorgeous smelling flower on earth - lily of the valley. When I was there, Monaco was full of them. It was all you could smell walking down the streets.

And maybe to some it is not the most beautiful, but to me it has such a sweetness and innocense. According to wikipedia the meaning of this flower is "You will find Happiness." How can that not put a smile on your face?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Gavin Should Go to Disney World

So Gavin and I are trying to plan a vacation for later this year. I have gotten it in my head that I want to go to Disney World. I have not been in years and contrary to what many believe, it is just as much fun for adults than it is for children. Below are my top 10 reasons I think Gavin should go:
1. You have never been and do not know what you are missing
2. Where else on earth is it expected of you to act like you are 8 instead of it being frowned upon?
3. You get to hit up 10+ countries in a day (one of which is England)
4. If you go when you are an adult with no little kids you don’t have to worry about height requirements.
5. There is a ride for just about every Disney animated movie.
6. You will no longer hear the SHOCKED gasps when people hear you have never been
7. There is a monorail that speaks to you in English and in Spanish.
8. When else will you get to meet Mickey and maybe even dine with him?
9. You get to go on a safari and don’t have to travel all that way to Africa.
10. You get to ride in at least 1 pirate ship, if not more - aarrrgghhhh