Monday, March 30, 2009

Bedroom Project

I think I'm going to get my craftiness on and do my own design in my bedroom. As you all know, I have an odd fatuation with kelly green for my bedroom. I've talked myself out of repainting the walls (they really are a nice subtle grey) and have instead decided to paint a series on some canvases with navy, green and pink. I think doing so will satisfy the crazy kelly green obsession. I found the below stencils on Joann. I may have to check them out in person tonight to see what I can come up with. I predict either genius or a disgusting mess. Hmmmm . . .

1 comment:

  1. I predict GENIUS. I LOVE that style altogether. Classic with a like quirk. And I love grey. It looks great with EVERYTHING, but sadly Jamie has forbidden me to paint everything grey in our house...
