Inspired by the fact that there was the announcement for the SATC movie sequal to be made, last night I decided to do some digging around the HBO website for my old inspirations from the tv show. Believe me, there were quite a few . . .

I still dream about wearing the above dress to an event someday. I remember, a couple years back, RL had a similar dress out. I would go visit it at L&T in my spare time and wish I had a winter event to go where I could wear it. Also, the pearls - classic!
There are three inspirations for me here. 1) The flower pin - who has not rocked that in the past? I sometimes wish that was still a little in style. 2) The Dior handbag, which I now own one of. 3) THE HAIR!!! I have tried and tried to get those curls on my mop of a head but my crazy pipe curls just don't want to do that. I think Martin, my stylist, is a little sick of me talking about it.
The above sunglasses were easily found. I own a pair of D&G's very similar that make me feel like a rock star. I LOVE them.

And last, but not least, are the layered pearls. I have TONS of faux pearls that I play with for the above look. I however do not have the rock o' a ring to go with them. I adore layered pearls.

Something similar to Carrie's new room above my bed would be fun. Maybe with different fabrics with the same color scheme would be interesting. My bedroom is lacking in the decorating department aside from the chandie.

What girl wouldn't kill for this closet (nevermind the clothes and shoes held within).
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!